
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hueless Humpday

So it's Wednesday. Hump day. Day 3 of the black-out.

I have to say that while I'm not wearing much for colour, I am not totally blacked-out either. I guess I should have seen this coming...not enough black in the closet to make it through a whole week of total blackness. Oh well. I am, however, still not wearing colour (if that still counts). Today it's: a black skirt with a black and white blouse with grey stockings. I think the most depressing part of this whole experiment is not wearing black everyday, but that I actually have so little choice in my closet for me to choose from.

So some preliminary results of my three day black-out so far:

  • Minus the truck incident on Monday (which is now fixed), overall I have been having a pretty good week! Been getting along with everyone, busy at work, new opportunities have been presented and today I won 20 Jungle Bucks from Coast 101.1 on the Coast Conundrum.
  • People are starting to question why all the black talk on facebook. I just keep saying that it's a social experiment (which it is!)
  •  Some of the responses that I got to my post "Black is...(finish the sentence):
    • "Slimming"
    • "The colour of my true loves hair"
    • "black"
    • "The tube of oil paint I never use"
    • "A shade not a colour"

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